Dr. Elizabeth A. Young
As an area Chair at University of Phoenix, Dr. Elizabeth Young has always been passionate about learning, but now that passion has been extended to include helping others to learn. According to Dr. Young, “When I reflect on the words that I just wrote, I find it oddly interesting that the learners with whom I am engaged are at two vastly different ends of the spectrum of learning. For instance, I wrote and teach 7 college credit earning courses, now taught in 9 Florida colleges, to help those who were migrant workers and who now serve as community health workers to the current migrant families, understand health issues related to family dynamics and maternal child care. They then turn that information in the application of their daily work with migrant families.”
At the other end of the spectrum of teaching, Professor Young mentors doctoral candidates in the development of sound research that adds knowledge to their field for the betterment of teaching others.